Testy Karl Rove won’t be nailed down on ‘changes’ to presidential nomination rules

Sparks were flying when Eric Bolling confronted former George W. Bush senior advisor Karl Rove over the possibility of establishment Republicans stealing the nomination from Donald Trump.

Stone fires back at Cruz: Knowing what these women look like, I feel he’s the one copulating with rodents

The National Enquirer’s Ted Cruz sex scandal story has churned out high school drama and name calling that’s not getting civilized.

Top 20 football recruit gets caught on video beating a woman in street, tries to apologize

A top-20 recruit for Mississippi State is in apology mode after video surfaced of him and a woman ivering a brutal beating to another female.

Senators demand answers when more than 200,000 vets are stripped of Second Amendment rights

Two Republican senators are outraged and demanding answers to why hundreds of thousands of veterans are now essentially barred from owning firearms.

Fidel Castro lashes out at Obama to make him look stupid: Cuba has no need of ‘gifts from the empire’

Want hot BPR News stories? Sign up for our morning blastHERE When you kiss the backside of despots on the world stage you shouldn’t be surprised […]

Waitress slammed for trashing generous George Bush after he leaves her incredible tip, poses for photo

A waitress is defending herself after she posted what many called a rude tweet about former President George W. Bush.

Mysterious Trump tombstone in NY Central Park begs questions

Photographs of a mock gravestone for Donald Trump have circulated the Internet with an epitaph that is a take on his famous catchphrase “Make America Great Again.”

CNN panel EXPLODES over ‘feigning indignation’ on retweet; Trump fans ‘get mad over right things’

A CNN panel exploded into a shouting match Sunday over the media’s fascination with Donald Trump’s retweeting of a picture of Melania Trump and Heidi Cru while ignoring real issues.

Police chief investigated for saying ‘profiling has place in law enforcement when used correctly, applied fairly’

A New Jersey police chief has stepped down as an investigation is underway following an e he sent in 2014 condoning profiling.

Liberal actor Ben Affleck says Batman v Superman movie raises THIS provocative political question

Was the outspen Democrat actor taking a swipe at . . .

Obama hasn’t completely destroyed race relations in America: Beautiful image that lit up the Internet

Want hot BPR News stories? Sign up for our morning news blastHERE Many Americans have admitted to voting for Barack Obama as the country’s first black […]

Bomb squad wires beeping Easter eggs so blind children can enjoy hunt

A group of firefighters and bomb squad technicians conspired to make a happy Easter for blind children.