Judges rule GEICO pay MILLIONS to woman who was ‘injured’ with STD after having sex in car

You win some, you lose some.

A Missouri woman learned this lesson the hard way, after claiming she got a sexually-transmitted disease from her ex-boyfriend after they had sex in the back of his 2014 Hyundai Genesis.

On Tuesday, the woman learned that she was awarded a $5.2-million settlement by the Missouri Court of Appeals, to be paid by the GEICO General Insurance Company.

The one-of-a-kind case was overseen by a three-judge panel, which decided to uphold a judgment against the insurance company that was entered during earlier arbitration proceedings. Yahoo News reports that the woman had been seeking monetary damages from GEICO, which insured her ex-boyfriend’s car, because she claims she contracted HPV, human papillomavirus while having sex in the car.

After all, it makes a certain kind of sense. When people think of insurance payouts to cover injuries sustained in a vehicle, they usually imagine crashes and other vehicular accidents. But now it seems they’ll also have to think about injuries incurred from getting freaky in the back of a car.

According to court documents in the case, the woman alleged that her ex-boyfriend knew that he had a cancerous throat tumor and HPV, and still chose to have unprotected sex with her, without informing her of his condition. Last year, an arbitrator determined that their sexual liaison in the man’s car “directly caused, or directly contributed to cause” the woman’s HPV infection.

This determination is what led to the judgment that, by not disclosing his condition, the man was on the hook for the $5.2 million in damages.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Los Angeles personal injury attorney Miguel Custodio thought the judgment was reasonable.

“If you think about it as an injury sustained while in that person’s vehicle,” he said, “then it totally falls within what an insurance company would be required to pay.

“Usually, injuries to passengers are the result of a collision, or slamming the door on one’s fingers, that sort of thing. But while a lawsuit over contracting an STD from the insured driver may be the first of its kind, this award shows that it’s not a stretch for someone to file against an insurance company for any actions occurring in a motor vehicle.”

“The lesson to be learned here is that people need to broaden the scope of what an injury is,” Custodio added. “Most people would not think that contracting this disease is an injury suffered in a vehicle—though it definitely is.”

GEICO had filed motions in the case claiming that its right to due process had been violated, but this argument was rejected by the Court of Appeals.

“All of GEICO’s appeals were denied and they are not allowed to relitigate where a judgment has already been entered,” Custodio explained. And while the woman has won her case, the rest of us have lost bigly. We can expect our car insurance premiums to increase as a result.

“I expect [insurers] already have an army of attorneys poring over their contracts and devising ways to prevent these kinds of claims in the future,” Custodio added. “The entire insurance industry is certain to be looking at this case, because it could have ramifications in all kinds of situations. For example, what if someone contracts HIV from their partner in their partner’s home, and the partner didn’t reveal his medical issue—can you go after their home insurance for this?

“I predict we’ll all be getting notifications of changes to our insurance policies in the near future.”


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26 thoughts on “Judges rule GEICO pay MILLIONS to woman who was ‘injured’ with STD after having sex in car

  1. They need to re-word the contract to state that coverage is for injuries sustained in an accident or due to a defect in the car itself.

  2. I’d like to know what happened that the boyfriend, from what I just read, wasn’t the one who was directly sued for lying to and taking advantage of her. He seems more deserving; the car was incidental, and made no contribution whatever to her newfound suffering. But I guess that case simply wouldn’t fly…

  3. Can we now assume that if we “get injured” – contract an STD in a motel room that it is the motel’s fault????

  4. An ‘injury’ sustained in a car? That’s not an ‘auto accident’ as the auto was stationary and no ‘auto injury’ happened. An STD is a disease not an ‘injury’ resulting from use of a car.

    Let’s say the event happened on the guy’s sofa, in his house. Would his homeowner’s cover the ‘injury,’ which is obviously not an injury but a sexually transmitted DISEASE, not anything to do with the car. And if they did it in the woods wouldn’t this come under an act of God. Try and get the 5.2 million from Him!

    GEICO has smart lawyers. This foolishness cannot stand up on further appeal (unless it goes all the way up to Biden, and then GEICO, like the rest of us, is screwed).

  5. Hey baby lets heat it up! Give it some juice and get those valve covers oiled. Now that rocker arms rollin. Hows you muffler by the way? Looks good from here. Adjust the rear view mirrors and shift it into high! Its a cop! Just act cool. Yes officer we know, it wont happen again and tks for the ticket. I guess if she had gotten pregnant during her episode geico would be having to pay child support.

  6. So how about if you get hijacked, robbed or shot by someone while you are in another person’s car, their INSURANCE COMPANY is libel?? How about if someone gets raped in the rapists car – is his insurance company libel for that as well?? What is this utter nonsense??

  7. Common sense just went out the window. Who’s going to pay for this? Other customers.

  8. Communism is winning! America is dying! Will you sacrifice all to defend her?

  9. She could have been lying about having sex. She had some kind of proof that they had sex? Having an STD is NOT PROOF!

  10. I manage an accidental injury insurance product line. I suspect what we are seeing here is the result of Missouri insurance law and regulations. They disallow some exclusions that are accepted in 49 States.

    As an example they do not allow the normal 2 year suicide clause in life insurance. Everywhere else the company is not obligated to pay if you off yourself within the initial 2 years. A couple States have reduced it to 6 or 12 months, but not MO.

    Buy the policy today, whack yourself tomorrow and they are forced to pay.

    We had to stop selling in New Mexico because they created new rules that treat Covid infection as an “accident”. We pulled out before it went into effect and had to cancel all our clients there. Not their fault but we couldn’t handle the risk. It would have destroyed the entire block nationwide.

  11. The ‘Judges’ return with this decision shortly after a prolonged ‘Happy Hour’ break ?

  12. So all of our insurance premiums are about to go up because Miss My Body My Choice chose not to use a condom on apparently the only occasion she had sex with her boyfriend. Thanks.

  13. Oh wow. Think of all the pregnancies that happen in the back seat. Does the insurance have enough coverage to support kids till they’re 18?

  14. Did she prove she got the std in his car?? Not from another time or person? How could she prove that? I mean seriously, this is the scammers world. Seems like sex for pay to me….

  15. The people of MO should impeach those judges who made that totally ridiculious ruling!!!

    First of all, there is a big difference between contacting a disease and being injured as the result of an accident. It was no accident the woman voluntairly chose to have sex with her boyfriend, she did it voluntairly without taking the proper preaustions to protect herself. Are insurane companys going to be required to sit in the back seat of every car and make sure the man wears a condom if they choose to have sexs in an insured car. The woman could also have become pregnant. Does this mean that a woman who gets pregnant after having unprotected sex in the backseat of a car can sue her worthless dead-beat boyfriend in the hopes of getting his insurance company to pay child support to her???

    Actions have consequences, the Insurance company should be allowed to sue the woman for lack of good judgment and due dilligence for causing her own injury because she is the one who picked an STD infected boyfriend, regardless of where they had sex, and then had sex with him.

    Don’t these Judges, who must have had blinder on, realize how their decision everyone who must carry auto insurance – do they even care?

  16. So does this mean I can sue those auto insurance companies who insure those motorists out there who have killed all my cats in the road?? I could just sit here and become a millionaire over night!!

  17. Companies can be sued for just about anything in these agenda driven days, but no…..not Big Pharma.

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