James Woods not surprised if American hordes drag ‘obstructionist scum out of Congress by their hair’

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Americans find themselves in the unenviable position of being forced to depend on a dysfunctional US Congress to set aside their self-serving agendas and come together to provide desperately needed relief as a result of the Chinese virus COVID-19.

And no one is more agitated by this than conservative actor James Woods.

Those who’ve had their livelihoods taken away without notice are hurting and may not know where their next meal is coming from, yet politicians in Washington, who are still receiving their taxpayer-funded salaries, continue to engage in gamesmanship.

A prime example of this was seen Sunday, as a bipartisan deal was within reach that would provide for the checks that Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, at the direction of President Trump, assured people last week would be coming in a matter of days.

At the 11th hour, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threw a hand grenade into the mix and brought the effort to a screeching halt, as the Democrat declared that she’d be putting together her own bill in due time.

The speaker’s actions put a renewed emphasis on Trump’s vow to drain the swamp in Washington.

Leading the protest of the wealthy San Francisco lawmaker was Woods, who took to Twitter to unload on her — his voice being a welcome refrain at a time where few are standing up for the average American being put in an impossible situation.

Woods tweeted Sunday: “I swear to God, it would not surprise me to see hordes of American citizens drag these obstructionist scum out of Congress by their hair. Word to the wise: our patience is truly wearing thin.”

And there was this:

But the outspoken actor offered a more profound assessment when he looked ahead to when the country is finally able to move past the coronavirus outbreak.

“When we get beyond this horrid #WuhanCoronaVirus, there may be a great awakening. We may come to realize that both political parties are gorging from the same trough. We may start to identify the good men and women who have broken with the old narratives of the ruling cartels,” Woods tweeted.

There can be little doubt that Washington is severely broken and has been for a long time. The only question is why do the American people continue to tolerate this?

One argument would be that they keep folks engaged in partisan bickering, as each party demonizes the other. Meanwhile, little changes, regardless of which party is in control.

Our national debt continues to rise, and government continues to grow well outside the bounds of the U.S. Constitution. More importantly, it gets harder for Americans to get ahead.

The responses to Woods tweet suggests that there are people awake to the truth about our government.

Here’s a sampling of some of the responses from Twitter:


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