Disney’s higher-ups reportedly complain about salary cuts, push back over terms

A reported divide between Disney executives and senior leadership is reportedly at play over pay cuts that were first announced on March 30, as part of the […]

Biden keeps suggesting things President Trump has already done. Try to keep up, Joe!

Speaking Sunday morning on ABC News, a barely coherent Joe Biden, the former vice president turned-Democrat presidential front-runner, offered President Donald Trump some odd advice on handling […]

‘Dear Alyssa’: Dan Bongino answers Milano’s cringe-worthy ‘Dear Mr. President’ tweet and it is FIRE

Liberal actress-turned-activist Alyssa Milano thought it would be wise to give President Donald Trump some advice ahead of the 2020 presidential election. It quickly turned her into […]

‘Nightline’ host to Pence: ‘When you talk to God,’ do you worry at all about those who’ve died because of slow federal response?

The snootiness, disrespect, and elitism of the media class seem to know no bounds … Fresh off of smearing Vice President Mike Pence as the “Jesus Whisperer” […]

Wallace pushes for Surgeon General to endorse federal stay-at-home mandate; Adams pushes right back

Fox News SundayanchorChris Wallace joined ranks with those who have long condemned President Donald Trump as a tyrant and now criticize him for not being tyrannical […]

The final interview from China’s missing doctor, Ai Fen, who ‘provided the whistle’ to blow

Dr. Ai Fen, theWuhan-based doctor who first raised the alarm over thecoronavirus outbreakinChinahas reportedly gone missing, raising concerns that the doctor has been detained by the Chinese […]

‘Lost credibility’: The WHO faces mounting backlash for running interference for China

Peter Hasson,DCNF The World Health Organization is facing a mounting backlash over its handling of China’s cover-up of the novel coronavirus. WHO leaders, including Director-General Tedros Adhanom […]

White House: Americans should avoid grocery shopping as virus hits apex, our ‘Pearl Harbor moment’

The White House’s coronavirus task force is facing criticism for urging Americans to stop visiting grocery stores to purchase food, refill medications, etc., as the coronavirus pandemic […]

Florida Gov. DeSantis concerned ‘Zoombombing’ could be a problem in voter rights for ex-felons trial

“Zoombombing” has become a disturbing national phenomenon — one that’s affected everybody from schoolchildren to U.S. governors like Ron DeSantis of Florida. Last summer, DeSantis signed a […]

Infuriated Gary Sinise has message for 3M about putting America first: ‘What happened to, we’re all in this together?’

Actor Gary Sinise has a stellar record when it comes to loing out for veterans. So much so that his name is almost synonymous with the care […]

Illegal border crossing reportedly ‘next to nothing … less than 150 apprehensions’ for almost a week

Not to make light of the deadly global coronavirus pandemic, but it has inadvertently engendered one rather serendipitous side effect for the United States: It’s led illegal […]

Milan University Study puts mortality rates in Italy lower than predictions

Newly emerging data strongly suggests that the horrific one to three percent death rates being attributed to the global coronavirus pandemic are greatly exaggerated. One data set […]