Amid booming economy, imploding impeachment, Camerota wonders ‘why’ CNN poll shows surging Trump support

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Listen carefully and you may pick up on a touch of perplexity and even frustration on the part of CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota asking why the network’s new poll is showing President Trump significantly closing the gap question against the top Democratic candidates.

Harry Enten, senior writer and analyst for CNN Politics, was showing the results of a brand new poll showing the president making major ground between October and December — this shift coming during the peak of the Democrat Party’s mad dash to impeach Trump.

As Enten details this sudden surge, Camerota chimes in, “Do we have any sense why?”

The idea that the CNN cabal is clueless on the residual effects of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her party of co-conspirators’ de facto meaningless impeachment farce is comical.

Despite a largely corrupt media being in the tank for Democrats, Americans still have a strong sense of fair play and know a tainted process when they see one. While CNN reports on the possibility of the Republican-led Senate being unfair in a likely trial, the network not only ignored the kangaroo court conducted by House Democrats, but it legitimized the sham.

Making matters worse, Pelosi pulled the trigger on impeachment without naming an actual law the president broke.

In addition to impeachment, another new CNN poll conducted by SSRS showed 76% of the people surveyed rate the economy very or somewhat good.

This news being something Camerota reported Friday on her show.

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All the while, the polls show that Trump is benefiting not only from a strong economy, but from the opposition’s headlong rush to take him out — especially in battleground states.

That this surge comes after relentless media coverage of the impeachment process, coverage heavily tainted against Trump, should shake the left down to their boots.

More and more, it appears that Pelosi allowed the radical, hard-left faction of her party lead her right over a cliff. The 2020 election will be the final judge on that, but Democrats have plenty of reason to be sweating.

Here’s a sampling of responses from Twitter:


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