Fox panel gets passionate over talk of profiling Muslims: ‘Common denominator is Islam!’

Panelists on Fox News Channel’s “Cashin’ In” Saturday got into a cat and dog fight over profiling in light of Islamic State-inspired terrorist attacks, most recently in […]

Opinion: Trump’s boldness refreshing, McCain’s white noise annoying

NOTE: The views expressed in BPR opinion pieces are independent of BizPac Review. If anyone hasn’t noticed how biased and imbalanced most mainstream national media has become, […]

Remarkable photos: Angry clashes result from SC face-off between Klan and New Black Panthers

There was little hope for anything good coming from a face-off in South Carolina on Saturday between members of the Ku Klux Klan and thoseaffiliated with the […]

Coulter defends Trump; takes heat for her own over-the-top dig on Marco Rubio

When Donald Trump couldn’t find a friend otherwise, “colorful” conservative author Ann Coulter was there to fill in the gap. After making an inflammatory comment Saturday about […]

Rick Perry to Trump: Apologize to McCain or withdraw from race

Some Republicans went after Donald Trump with both barrels after hiscontroversial about Sen. John McCain’s war hero status, and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry was chief […]

No apologies, no filter! Unintimidated Trump keeps banging on McCain, walks back war hero comment

GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump is not letting up onSen. John McCain, but he’swalking back derogatory statements he made in reference to the Arizona Republican’s six-year imprisonment […]

Ted Cruz refuses to join GOP colleagues to condemn Trump

Republican presidential hopeful Ted CruzpracticedRonald Reagan’s 11th Commandment “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” Cruz was confronted by reporters Saturday who wanted his take […]

Judge Jeanine tackles gun-free military zones: We knew they were targets . . . shame on us!

“They want to kill us.” In the wake of the murder of four Marines and one sailor in Chattanooga, Tennessee Thursday, Judge Jeanine Pirro to on the […]