BizPac Review
Take Back America Event w/Dick Morris on October 1st

Take America Back w/Dick Morris Event
Friday, October 1, 2010 12:00 PM

Sheraton Hotel Downtown Orlando

400 West Livingston Street
Orlando, FL 32801

BizPac Review
Florida Organizations To Hold Vigil To Urge LeMieux To Support DREAM Act

The Progressive Left understands that this may be their last chance to realize some form of amnesty for the foreseeable future.

As for Harry Reid, his only motivation here is to pander to the Hispanic vote in his re-election bid, which is not loing good. He is currently in a statistical tie with his Republican opponent.

Roll Call reports that immigration reform advocates have been honing in on Sen. George LeMieux as a potential ally in their campaign to pass the DREAM Act. Call FL Senator LeMieux’s office @ 202-224-3041 and tell him to oppose the DREAM ACT!

BizPac Review
Constitution Day And The Perilous Future

We are seeing the start of a revival amongst the American people, a recognition of the importance of preserving the Constitution and it’s wonderfully designed, interlocking provisions that were intended to protect our God-given rights and to prevent our government from becoming a tyranny.

There is a growing movement throughout America to reinvigorate the tree of liberty, a tree whose trunk is the Constitution, whose limbs are the Bill of Rights, and whose leaves are the new sons and daughters of liberty who embody the same spirit that infused our Founders.

On Constitution Day, let Americans rededicate themselves to securing “the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” by actively working to preserve the Constitution of the United States.

BizPac Review
New Contract With America Nearly Done; Candidates Won't Sign It

Editor’s Note – Playing off the tea party movement’s Contract from America, the GOP has created it’s own contract, which is sure to draw intense scrutiny from those within the movement.

As it states in the story below, the lawmakers will not be asked to sign this Contract with America. This is surely an attempt to avoid any controversy over who will or will not sign, as we have seen with the tea party contract.

This effort seems to be an attempt to re-invent the wheel, although, we should withhold judgement until we see the final product. Nonetheless, it seems to come down to control, which is a characteristic out elected officials have in abundance.