BizPac Review
What's Attorney General Holder Hiding?

What’s Attorney General Holder Hiding?

The Heritage Foundation

Imagine arriving at your neighborhood polling place on Election Day and seeing two men guarding the entrance, dressed in paramilitary uniforms, wielding a deadly billy club, shouting racial epitaphs and menacing voters. Would you walk through the door?

BizPac Review
What Cap? Dems' Climate Word War

Editor’s Note – “Cap and trade has certainly been demonized,” said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.). “I think that’s unfortunate. … So we’ll just call it something different.”

Once again, the audacity of the left. Are they so confident in the ignorance of the populace that they just openly declare their intent now?

With ObamaCare and Financial Reform in the bag, it’s on to Cap n Trade, only they no longer call it that. Regardless of the market researched name that is settled upon, one thing doesn’t change; it remains the largest energy tax in our nations’s history. The last thing this economy needs is higher costs for businesses, yet, this doesn’t seem to concern the Progressive Left.

BizPac Review
O'Donoghue: Grayson Makes Additional Payment to Florida Tea Party Political Party

For Immediate Release Contact: Vartan Djihanian Phone: 407-478-4850 O’Donoghue: Grayson Makes Additional Payment to Florida Tea Party Political Party (Winter Park, Fl)– Conservative small businessman […]

BizPac Review
Special Session: Weeklong Political Brawl, or Over in Hours

Editor’s Note – In what many see as little than political grandstanding by a desperate Charlie Crist, who is milking the Gulf Oil Spill for all it’s worth, the citizens of Florida are on the ho to the tune of $50,ooo a day to help advance his Senatorial campaign.

As stated in the article, Republican lawmakers have no appetite for this session. Just five weeks out from primaries, you can be sure that little will happen.