Fla. shop offers Zimmerman free gun for protection

Zimmerman gun
Photo credit: ABC/Guns.com

With the Department of Justice placing a hold on all evidence in the George Zimmerman trial, the neighborhood watch volunteer won’t be getting his gun back yet. But he could be getting a new one instead.

A Volusia County gun shop has offered Zimmerman a free gun following his acquittal in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, according to TV station WKMG Local 6.

Pompano Pats in DeLand sent a letter to Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, offering a free firearm to Zimmerman after hearing media reports that authorities were holding his Kel-Tec PF-9 pending further investigation.

“Upon receiving your confirmation that he is well within his legal rights to concealed carry, our company would like to offer Mr. Zimmerman a free firearm,” the letter stated according to WKMG. “We currently have the same model in stock, or he could [choose] another weapon suitable for concealed carry.”

“We have read numerous reports of death threats against your client and believe no good would come from harming him,” said the letter, signed by Pompano Pats President Pat Johnson, who added that the company was not trying to make a political statement.

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